View Competitions
The following trophies are awarded to the winners of the Society’s annual competitions. The entries for these competitions are judged by two ABPS accredited judges, who are not members of the Society. Entries are judged before the Competition night and feedback is provided to the entrants on that night. The criteria for each completion class is based on those of the Association of Scottish Philatelic Societies (ASPS) and more detail and extracts from ASPS rules and guidance on the requirements is shown under each trophy description.
To see the details of each category and rules as well as lists of previous winners click on the links below.
General or specialised collections of stamps issued before 1st January 1940.
Year | Winner |
1960 | A. Harrold |
1961 | J. S. Merrylees |
1962 | S. Graham Hoey |
1963 | W. Thomson |
1964 | J. S. Merryleees |
1965 | A. McMiillan |
1966 | G. Saville Smith |
1967 | J. W. Fairbairn |
1968 | S. Graham Hoey |
1969 | Ms. Janet T. Cameron |
1970 | A. Harrold |
1971 | S. F. Gilmour |
1972 | T. Cowell |
1973 | J. S. Merrylees |
1974 | S. Graham Hoey |
1975 | G. C. Buchanan |
1976 | I. L. Evans |
1977 | I. M. Dyce |
1978 | G. C. Buchanan |
1980 | D. Woolley |
1981 | A. Baird |
1982 | D. Woolley |
1983 | W. Colley |
1984 | G. MacKenzie |
1985 | S. Graham Hoey |
1986 | W. Spalding |
1987 | C. Y. Reid |
1988 | D. P. Robinson |
1989 | D. P. Robinson |
1991 | W. Colley |
1992 | S. Gardiner |
1993 | T. J. Woods |
1994 | C. Y. Reid |
1995 | W. Colley |
1996 | S. Gardiner |
1997 | Mrs M. I. Morris |
1998 | C. Y. Reid |
1999 | S. Gardiner |
2000 | T. J. Woods |
2001 | I. D. Smith |
2002 | C. Y. Reid |
2003 | C. Y. Reid |
2004 | C. Y. Reid |
2006 | I. D. Smith |
2007 | W. A. King |
2008 | S. Gardiner |
2009 | C. G. Breddy |
2010 | I. L. Evans |
2011 | S. Gardiner |
2013 | G. Henshilwood |
2014 | G. Henshilwood |
2015 | A. G. Blakeley |
2016 | G. Henshilwood |
2017 | G. Henshilwood |
2018 | G. Henshilwood |
2019 | S. Gardiner |
2020 | G.Henshilwood |
2023 | G.Henshilwood |
General or specialised collections of stamps issued on or after 1st January 1940.
For both of these trophies material can be specialized or non-specialized and can include studies, proofs and essays. It can also include fiscal, revenue and other non-postal stamps, (experimental, locals, telegtaphs etc.). For the purposes of this competition these latter items are defined as material not recognised for the international transmission of mail but accepted as being used locally or generally for the transmission of messages and packages, e.g. local, railway or telegraph or for the collection of non-postal revenue.
Year | Winner |
1972 | J. S. Merrylees |
1973 | Muriel G. Wilson |
1974 | G. Norman Smith |
1975 | T. G. R. Erskine |
1976 | W. Colley |
1978 | W. Colley |
1980 | I. D. Smith |
1981 | I. D. Smith |
1982 | S. Graham Hoey |
1983 | I. D. Smith |
1984 | J. A. Forshaw |
1985 | A. j. Taylor |
1988 | P. McGowan |
1989 | C. Y. Reid |
1992 | I. D. Smith |
1994 | I. M. Dyce |
1995 | W. Spalding |
1996 | I. D. Smith |
1997 | I. D. Smith |
2001 | I. D. Smith |
2002 | I. D. Smith |
2003 | I. D. Smith |
2004 | I. D. Smith |
2006 | S. K. Hunter |
2007 | S. Gardiner |
2008 | C. Moffat |
2009 | Rev. J. C. Caskie |
2013 | A. j. Kerr |
2014 | A. J. Kerr |
2015 | G. Henshilwood |
2016 | D. Stalker |
2019 | G. Henshilwood |
2020 | D. Stalker |
2023 | D. Stalker |
Postal History including pre-adhesives, used stamps and postal history, postal markings, cancellations etc.. Mint stamps and unused postal stationery are not normally included.
Entries in this class can include items on rates and routes and studies of markings and marcophily (the specialised study and collection of postmarks, cancellations and postal markings applied by hand or machine).
Year | Winner |
1971 | J. S. Merrylees |
1972 | J. W. Fairburn |
1973 | G. C. Buchanan |
1974 | Mrs J. T. Cameron |
1975 | S. N. Gardiner |
1976 | T. Cowell |
1977 | A. Baird |
1978 | I. L. Evans |
1980 | R. C. Welland |
1981 | D. Woolley |
1982 | I. M. Dyce |
1983 | T. j. Woods |
1984 | T. j. Woods |
1985 | I. T. Boyle |
1986 | W. Colloey |
1987 | C. Breddy |
1988 | D. P. Robinson |
1989 | C. Y. Reid |
1990 | C. Y. Reid |
1991 | P. McGowan |
1992 | W. Colley |
1993 | I. M. Dyce |
1994 | C. Y. Reid |
1995 | D. P. Robinson |
1996 | T. J. Woods |
1997 | D. P. Robinson |
1998 | C. Y. Reid |
1999 | S. N. Gardiner |
2000 | A. D. MacCalman |
2001 | T. J. Woods |
2002 | T. J. Woods |
2003 | I. L. Evans |
2004 | I. M. Dyce |
2005 | J. Morgan |
2006 | I. L. Evans |
2007 | I. L. Evans |
2008 | W. Colley |
2009 | S. N. Gardiner |
2010 | I. L. Evans |
2011 | S. N. Gardiner |
2012 | I. L. Evans |
2013 | I. M. Evans |
2014 | A. G. Blakeley |
2015 | T. J. Woods |
2016 | A. G. Blakeley |
2017 | S. N. Gardiner |
2018 | S. N. Gardiner |
2019 | S. N. Gardiner |
2020 | A. G. Blakeley |
2023 | G. Henshilwood |
Study of a subject or theme as depicted on stamps and other philatelic material.
Year | Winner |
1971 | T. Cowell |
1972 | Mrs M. I. Morris |
1973 | Mrs J. T. Cameron |
1974 | Mrs M. I. Morris |
1975 | G. R. Miller |
1976 | J. S. Merrylees |
1977 | A. Baird |
1978 | Mrs A. M. Kilpatrick |
1980 | A. Fraser |
1981 | G. R. Miller |
1982 | K. E. Norris |
1983 | I. D. Smith |
1984 | W. Colley |
1985 | Miss J. H. Trew |
1986 | Miss J. H. Trew |
1987 | P. MacGowan |
1989 | Miss J. H. Trew |
1990 | K. E. Norris |
1992 | Miss J. H. Trew |
1993 | Miss J. H. Trew |
1994 | K. E. Norris |
1995 | B. R. Allan |
1996 | Miss J. h. Trew |
1997 | I. D. Smith |
1998 | Mrs M. I. Morris |
1999 | J. G. Forsyth |
2000 | R. Walker |
2001 | I. D. Smith |
2002 | I. D. Smith |
2003 | I. D. Smith |
2004 | Mrs M. I. Morris |
2005 | I. D. Smith |
2006 | I. D. Smith |
2008 | Mrs M. Matheson |
2009 | J. Gavin |
2011 | Mrs M. i. Morris |
2012 | Rev. J. C. Caskie |
2013 | G. Henshilwood |
2014 | G. Henshilwood |
2015 | G. Henshilwood |
2016 | G. Henshilwood |
2017 | G. Henshilwood |
2018 | G. Henshilwood |
2019 | G. Henshilwood |
2020 | G. Henshilwood |
2023 | G. Henshilwood |
Study of philately prepared for and conveyed by airmail, whether official or unofficial. Exhibits which consist solely of airmail stamps will also be judged in this class.
Year | Winner |
2018 | A. Blakeley |
2019 | A. Black |
2020 | A. Black |
Picture postcards depicting a subject or theme.
An exhibit can have a geographical (topographical) treatment, including for example illustrations from a place or an area. It can also be developed thematically. An event may be shown as a form of reportage, or the exhibit may have the photographer, the artist, or the printer as the topic. Original thinking and creativity may also lead to different treatments of an exhibit.
The size, shape and material of the Picture Postcards may vary. The emphasis is on the picture, and not on the use or philatelic peculiarities (if present). Picture Postcards may be unused or used (sent through a mail system). Unused Picture Postcards should have printed address lines, stamp box, or other such markings, showing that the item was intended to be sent without cover.
Year | Winner |
2014 | J. W. Kirkpatrick |
2015 | R. Walker |
2016 | J. C. MacLeod |
2017 | Mrs M I. Morris |
2018 | P. McGowan |
2019 | R. Walker |
2020 | R. Walker |
2023 | T. Woods |
This may include local stamps, telegraph stamps, railway stamps, revenues/fiscals, forgeries, bogus and phantom issues. Christmas, Red Cross, TB and other charity seals, registration labels, advertisement and exhibition labels etc.
However, things such as trade, cigarette and telephone cards (unless the image of a stamp is incorporated in the design), matchbox or cheese labels, aerial propaganda leaflets, and other forms of ephemera like emergency money are not considered as Cinderella items for this purpose.
Year | Winner |
2023 | S. Gardiner |
There are no entry forms. All that is required is the submission of entries to the Secretary on or before the last Society meeting in January, unless otherwise indicated at Society meetings.
Members are encouraged to look at the rules and advice provided by ASPS with a view to entering competitions at that level.
See (National Exhibition - Advice to Exhibitors) which provides useful advice for creating exhibits even if you are only interested in entering the Society competitions.
This is awarded to the best competition entry of no less than 16 sheets by a member who has not previously won an award in Society competitions (including this cup). All relevant entries to all competitions will automatically be considered for this award. An award will only be made if there is an entry of an acceptable standard.
Year | Winner |
2021 | I.M Winner |
General rules 1, 2 and 3 above apply.
The Caledonian Rose Bowl is awarded each year for the best display given to the Society by a Society Member. Judging of displays will be made by the immediate past President and two other member of the Society. Eligibility for this award can be either a full display (2 rounds) or a half display (1 round).
Year | Winner | Title of display |
1960 | J. S. Merrylees | Early France |
1961 | A. McMillan | Antarctica |
1962 | C. E. Kinners | Early Austria |
1963 | W. R. Rae | Wildlife |
1964 | G. Saville Smith | Ireland |
1965 | E. S. C. Lauder | South Africa |
1966 | Herman H. Hirst | Palestine |
1967 | I. Smillie | Rhodesia |
1968 | C. S. Taylor | India |
1969 | J. D. Todd | Chile |
1970 | S. R. MacKenzie | Early Switzerland |
1971 | J. D. Todd | Gold Coast |
1972 | J. S. Merrylees | Latvia |
1973 | J. W. Fairburn | New Zealand |
1974 | S. Gilmour | Scottish Postal History |
1975 | J. S. Merrylees | 300 Years Great Britain |
1976 | Herman H. Hirst | Middle East |
1977 | E. Morris | 100 Years Penny Stamp |
1978 | H. Moreton Black | Bahamas |
1979 | Mrs M. I. Morris | Man and the Whale |
1980 | C. N. Richardson | Balloon Mail |
1981 | R. Beith | Scottish Air Mails |
1982 | S. R. MacKenzie | Highlands Postal History |
1983 | G. C. Buchanan | Military Mail |
1984 | D. Woolley | Railway Postal History |
1985 | A. Baird | Austria |
1986 | S. R. MacKenzie | Switzerland |
1987 | C. G. Breddy | British Levant |
1988 | G. MacKenzie | Glasgow Postal History |
1989 | H. S. H. Bidmead | French Postal History |
1990 | Alex Greer | The Wallacce papers |
1991 | D. Woolley | Scottish Railway Postal History |
1992 | I. M. Dyce | Straits Settlements |
1993 | D. Robiinson | British Oversaes Mail |
1994 | J. A. Brown | Ceylon |
1995 | S Sankus | SA Civil War |
1996 | S. G. Hoey | Bahamas |
1997 | Mrs M. I. Morris | Iceland |
1998 | A. Forbes | Australia |
1999 | T. J. Woods | Chile |
2000 | W. Neithercut | Airmails to Dutch East Indies |
2001 | R. Beith | Free Czech Forces |
2002 | R. Walker | The Sahara |
2003 | Alex Greer | Renfrewshire Postal History |
2004 | W. Colley | Africa Par Avion |
2005 | I. M. dyce | Mail from Eastern Seas |
2006 | D. Woolley | Newspapers and the Post |
2007 | G. Shepherd | American Civil War |
2008 | C. G. Breddy | The Martians have Landed |
2009 | A. T. Wishart | Tsarist Russia |
2010 | I. L. Evans | Two Queens |
2011 | Mrs M. I. Morris | An international Peaceful Science |
2012 | W. Colley | East Africa in W. W. II |
2013 | Miss j. Trew | Classical Music |
2014 | R. Watt | MilitariaR |
2015 | S. R. MacKenzie | 70 Years a Member |
2016 | S. Gardiner | A Tour Round Africa |
2017 | D. A. Cumming | Aspects of Argentina |
2018 | S. Gardiner | A Victorian Phenomenon |
2019 | S. Gardiner | The Levant |